All tagged Trindad Fundadore

Trinidad Fundadores – Lark Legacy Cask 1 HHF582B Malt Whisky

Oh, talk about Sophie’s choice. The weight of the world hanging on a couple of decisions.

As soon as all the rugby league players and wives and families and parasites were across the border, it was closed for health reasons. Those jelly-backed vermin called politicians (always amazes me that there are not a lot more assassinations – I guess they are not worth the cost of a bullet) shut the border for health reasons. The monumental hypocrisy. But that is not today’s topic (it is every day’s topic, but we’ll leave it for now).

The border closure means I might miss the annual fishing trip – for which I would never forgive any of them. Have spoken with the government representatives and they assure me I can get back. The border pass thingee on the internet suggests so as well. Of course, that does not mean that the cops on the border will agree. So I might be stuck for a month (plus I am trying to settle the new place, not easy interstate).

Worse places to be stuck – I remember being in Europe when that Icelandic volcano with the unpronounceable name shut all…

Trinidad Fundadore - Lighthouse Gin; Archie Rose Rye Malt Whisky

The world’s third largest (and fast heading to utter irrelevancy with the moronic and completely incomprehensible interpretation of rules, and the fact that every single scrum bores us senseless for almost two minutes – but let’s leave rugby to destroy itself) sporting event is currently yawning its way to its conclusion (I say all this as someone who did not miss attending a Reds game for some forty years if I was in the State, blah, blah, blah, the good old days, blah, blah, glory days…). What should have been one of the Rugby World Cup’s showpieces, the Wallabies against the Welsh, stumbled its confused way to I have no idea what, other than definitely not a win for us, on any level.

But, we should give them at least a nod for providing us with the opportunity to enjoy a good cigar. 

I pulled out one of the…