All tagged Cuban Cigar News

Montecristo Limited Edition ‘C’ 2003 - Johnnie Walker Blue Label ‘Ghost and Rare’ Whisky

Well, this was looking a touch awkward. 

For a very long time, I have happily told the world that the greatest waste of tobacco leaf in history are those dire Monte C’s – full moniker, Montecristo Limited Edition ‘C’ 2003. Not because I am not a Limited Edition fan – I most certainly am – but because they are really awful cigars. Then along comes Whipcrack with his ‘smoke your worst cigar’ comp, an idea that ranks with the Skins signing Albert Haynesworth. 

I give him a review, but apparently that will not do. Under the perfidious shadow of retrospective legislation, I have been forced to search the very depths of my humidor in the “hope” of finding a Monte C – which seems a bit like searching one’s nether regions in the “hope” of finding a rash. 

I found one – the cigar, not the rash. 

Now, as Rob will be the first to tell you…

Juan Lopez No 2 - Duchesse de Bourgogne Ale

Coming to the end of the bundle of odds and sods of seconds Rob left with me for Kenfessions.

This JL2 looked far more like a fourth than a second, but I am not one to complain. The wrapper was torn and ragged. If this had been a mongrel puppy then sorry to say, it would have been put down by now – to digress, currently both mother-sitting and puppy sitting for the family. The puppy is an incredibly energetic, even more than usual for a puppy, Springer Spaniel. Great dog but needless to say, needing all manner of vet care. Has finally got rid of the cone to stop it doing stuff to stitches etc, although I am wondering why, as it still has “socks” for some reason.

Well, it manages to remove one of the socks. I go to put it back on but…

Vegas Robaina ‘Don Alejandro’ - Wild Turkey ‘Master’s Keep’ Bourbons

So, what does Kenfessions have in common with Hunter S. Thompson, ZZ Top, George Thorogood, 'Rambo', 'In the Heat of the Night', 'Thelma & Louise', 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit', 'The Sopranos', 'Seinfeld' and 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer'? 

We are all, at some stage, talking, singing or writing about Wild Turkey. As Hunter S. was fond of saying, ‘when the going gets tough, the weird turn professional’. 

But first…

I remember the early days of VR and the excitement. One of the highlights…

Cohiba Robusto - Bundaberg Ginger Beer

Not a fish to found anywhere on the Island. No one has caught so much as a hint of one. But we persevere. So goes the annual fishing trip to Fraser Island, off Queensland’s central coast – the world’s largest sand island. 

Head down to the beach in front of the Lodge, just north of the Waddy Point rocks, on dusk. The southeaster is howling but it is to our backs, which means that the poor sods fishing south of Indian would be copping full brunt. 

Cold. Bone-chilling cold. I very rarely wear waders and I am not doing so now. No idea why. Never really took to them. The old man often didn’t either, though perhaps he was seen in them more often in his…

Trinidad Fundadore - Lighthouse Gin; Archie Rose Rye Malt Whisky

The world’s third largest (and fast heading to utter irrelevancy with the moronic and completely incomprehensible interpretation of rules, and the fact that every single scrum bores us senseless for almost two minutes – but let’s leave rugby to destroy itself) sporting event is currently yawning its way to its conclusion (I say all this as someone who did not miss attending a Reds game for some forty years if I was in the State, blah, blah, blah, the good old days, blah, blah, glory days…). What should have been one of the Rugby World Cup’s showpieces, the Wallabies against the Welsh, stumbled its confused way to I have no idea what, other than definitely not a win for us, on any level.

But, we should give them at least a nod for providing us with the opportunity to enjoy a good cigar. 

I pulled out one of the…

Cohiba Robusto - Equipo Navazos ‘La Bota de Ron, Number 65’

Well, as they say in the classics, talk about a weekend to rip the Funk out of your Wagnall’s. 

Sport does tend to get in the way of deadlines, but I had planned a good cigar and rum to watch the Broncs in their big semi-final against the Eels. 

Elsewhere, the fifth Ashes test (the Ashes is the contest between Australia and England for cricket played every couple of years alternating between countries and usually over five five-day tests, and therefore represents world supremacy – it was so named as when we beat them for the first time back in the 1880’s, someone allegedly burnt the bails and put the ashes in a small urn, which is now the trophy); the Lions in their first AFL prelim final for 15 years; the Gunners v Watford (surely…?) and then the Skins against the Girls tomorrow morning. A good chance that it all might go terribly pear-shaped…

Partagas Serie E No. 2 - Chalmers Appassimento 2017 - Yamazaki 12-Year-Old

Rob kindly dropped off a small bag of mixed smokes for Kenfessions last week. Unfortunately, he’d picked up the wrong bag, so I have a mix of seconds – whose, we have no idea. We decided to give it a go, even though some are unbanded and we have no idea what they are.

This one, the Partagas Serie E No. 2, we could tell. It did have a split wrapper near the foot but in the end, this seemed to have little effect. It smoked very well, kicking off with an immediate and lovely note of cream and toffee. Some spices and then it moved to more earthy and eventually slightly mushroomy notes. Finally, a hint of caramel. So certainly a cigar with plenty of evolution throughout. Good complexity. Very pleasing soft smoke. There were also some notes of espresso in the latter parts though at times, this verged on a slightly stale coffee character, which was not positive. But overall, the flavours are very appealing…

Ramon Allones Regional Release ‘La Palmira’ Arab Emirates 2016 - Blanton’s Single Barrel Special Reserve Bourbon - Rymill ‘June Traminer (Botrytis Gewurztraminer) 2013 (half).

As I have mentioned elsewhere, Rob recently very kindly supplied some options for Kenfessions. There are cigars I might not have seen for a while, or possibly might not have access to. The drinks, however, remain my own and any failings there are purely my responsibility. With that in mind, I have been trying to include at least one left-field choice at the very least.

But, as usual, cigar first. The Ramon Allones Regional Release ‘La Palmira’ Arab Emirates 2016 is certainly a cigar I never expected to encounter. I am becoming more and more intrigued by Regional Releases. So many. Are they worthwhile? Mixed? A waste of time and tobacco? Stay tuned…

Cohiba Siglo VI - Barale Fratelli ‘Barolo Chinato’ - Fortaleza Agave ‘Still Strength 46’ Tequila

Whilst I remain convinced that humanity is rapidly sowing the seeds of its own demise, and hard to think that does not make us the dumbest species to have ever existed on this fragile planet, occasionally we do something remarkable. Imagine coming up with the idea of taking the heart of a large spiky succulent, pollinated by bats, and processing it into one of the most loved spirits found anywhere. The plant is, of course, the blue agave and the spirit is tequila.

But then, while we are thinking outside the box, imagine an entire industry based on taking leaves from some dodgy old plant, drying and then fermenting them, rolling them up into little tubes and then setting fire to them, but only after the end user has paid a bucketload of dosh for the pleasure…

Por Larranaga Belicosos Extra Regional Release Asia Pacific 2008 (EMA JUL08) - Angostura No 1 Cask Collection ex-Bourbon Cask Rum

I am embarrassed to say that this is now the fourth time I have paired the Por Larranaga Belicosos Extra RR Asia Pacific 2008 (EMA JUL08, from Box 19 of 7,400, which is not quite as good as Mini-Smithy shipping off Rob’s prized box, numbered 1 of 5000 of some RR or LE or other – never gets old), for Kenfessions. They have proved slightly variable, with the most recent, prior to here, the superstar of the bunch. The bottom line, if we may elevate it, is that this one was close but a slightly lesser cigar, with apologies to the old American fairgrounds where the phrase originated – for those who failed to win a prize…

La Gloria Cubana Regional Release Spain Serie D No.5 - Teeling 24-Year-Old Single Malt

This, the La Gloria Cubana Regional Release Spain 2017 Serie D No.5, was one of the more curious cigars I've had for a while, with parts I loved and parts I most certainly did not. The drink for matching, on the hand, there is no ambiguity about it. An utterly stunning malt. A brilliant Irish whiskey. 

The cigar first. I do like a number of the La Gloria Cubana cigars from over the years. But I am not at all fond of short, fat cigars, whoever makes them. They do little for me. People say that they are useful if you are rushed for time. If I am rushed for time, I am not going to be bothering with attempting to shoehorn a cigar into that time. Apparently, and not for the first time, I am not in the majority on this…

Ramon Allones RR Estupendos Asia Pacific 2006 release – Colosia Amontillado - Oakridge Meunier Rose 2016

Is there a more popular cigar for Regional Releases than Ramon Allones? There are bucketloads of them. Why is that? Is it because the brand is not considered good enough for regular Limited Edition releases, so they make do with Regionals? And if so, does that mean that Havana ranks Regionals below Limited Editions? Who knows? 

I'd go so far as to venture that no other brand is used as often for Regionals as RA, which I suspect few would have guessed when the program started. Of course, I could sit down and go through and count the split between brands and find out just which of them is most used, but we all know I am not going to do that. And these days, when the idea of fact-checking for articles has become a farce, why bother? It is now in print, so it must be true…

Trinidad ‘La Trova’ - Wild Turkey ‘Master’s Keep’ ‘1894’

A little while since I tried one of these gorgeous cigars. Last time, with a cracking Yamazaki 12-Year-Old. This time, a terrific Bourbon, but we’ll get to that. 

The cigar, the Trinidad ‘La Trova’, is from a box coded RAG AGO 17. The first 2/3rds of the smoke were utterly glorious, though the last third, certainly not in any way a lesser smoke, was simply exhibiting signs suggesting it was too young. I'd hang off these for another year or two, if possible, but if not, you’ll still have a brilliant experience. And showing the requisite patience will not be an easy task…

Partagas Lusitania (LOM Oct 13) – Ron Edmund Dantes 25-Year-Old

We have seen both of these before, though not as a match. 

The pairing came about as after the first glorious Origin, in some stupid blind fit of allegiance and confidence to the soon to be put-to-the-slaughter Maroons, I thought I should do my bit. And as every sports fan knows, superstition is incredibly important. Whether a red hanky in the pocket, refusing to allow anyone to leave their seats during an important innings (awkward if the innings takes several hours and one has had a few drinks), putting your left pad on before your right or having the same cigar as you had last time the team won, it all matters…